4. Özil was a flop
Nothing any journalist says will get Arsenal fans’ blood pressure up more than this ludicrous statement. Neil Ashton, to name but one, took a lot of vitriol from Arsenal fans with his infamous article titled ‘Mesut Özil is nicking a living.’ I’d be the first to admit that Mesut hasn’t had an outstanding season, but he’s had a very good one, considering it was his first season, in a new country, and he didn’t have the winter break that the pampered in Spain and Germany are given. He created a chance every 28 minutes, a mind boggling number, has the least minutes per assist in Premier League history, and ended the season with 7 goals and 14 assists and a trophy. A good start, with plenty to build on next season.
5. They have as much money to spend as City and Chelsea
Even Arsenal fans have been brainwashed by the media to believe this, with the Telegraph reporting huge war chests of £100m for this summer. What tosh. Arsenal’s self-sufficient business model doesn’t allow for that much money to be spent in one window without some being recouped, unlike City and Chelsea, and the £100m is more representative of the amount of free cash that Arsenal have in their coffers (actually £120m). With this in mind, it seems ludicrous to believe that a traditionally frugal man such as Wenger would spend all our budget in one window, à la Spurs. Arsenal’s finances have been hamstrung for years, and will continue to be, albeit to a lesser extent, by the stadium move, as the Gunners have to hold back £23m (currently) to guarantee debt payments, which is gradually being paid off, but we’re nowhere near finished paying it off yet.
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